Sunday, February 22, 2009

Enough Pasta!!!

Sunday 22 Feb. 09
It is absolutely amazing outside right now! It’s been snowing all morning and it’s rekindled my love for the snowJ. It’s so white outside!
Hopped over to Allison’s last night around 6, then proceeded to pack up half her kitchen because Krista doesn’t have cooking utensils. We bought over half the ingredients and plates and cups and forks with help of Kimberly and Matt to Krista’s where we made spaghetti Bolognese again! That is 3 times in one week, I’m beginning to really dislike pasta. Having said that, me and Allison whipped up a damn good sauce with some turkey meat (couldn’t find chicken) and it was... Jess level. The meal was actually great cause we had pasta, salad, bread, cheese and wine. What we like to call our first dinner party in Switzerland. The 5 of us sat around Krista’s communal kitchen for about 3 hours before we went back to her room so that me and Kimberly could show the Americans ‘Summer Heights High’ and what Aussies are like haha.
At some point in the night, we all started paying out on Asians; Krista described to us what the yellow people were like back in the States. I love that I have this effect on people; I can always bring out the racism towards the yellow kind no matter what group I’m in haha. The other funny thing is, and I won’t say it... but the ‘n’ words for African Americans which has never really been that tabooed in Australia was absolutely scandalous to the Americans. Me and Kimberly said Negro (so not even the other n word) and the two girls were like... Holy shit... whoa. Allison couldn’t physically bring herself to say the n word. Amazing culture differences! I popped on home around midnight so I could catch the last metro back to mine (the alternative was the walk in the cold... and remember it’s snowing right now).
Been somewhat productive this morning; did some of my homework, got up at a decent hour, set up this gay blog and had lunch with Jonas. I’m going to go be a tourist and run around in the snow soon. I just wish Kelly was back from Venice so we can be hoons together. She’ll be back tonight to show me photos. Peace kids.

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